Friday, February 15, 2008

10 weeks today!

I can't believe how fast time is FLYING! I'm 10 weeks today and so excited - my baby looks like a baby now and not some Martian blob! woo hoo!

And, to make it even better - my all day nausea is GONE! I'm able to eat whatever I want and not feel bad. I don't think I've even gobbled TUMS in a week! It's so nice to feel more normal. I still get queasy but not nearly as bad as it was the 4 weeks prior - this is so wonderful!

I'm in my maternity pants full time now. I'm still wearing regular shirts for the time being. I went shopping last weekend to get clothes for our upcoming cruise and managed to find two pairs of shorts and 4 shirts. I still have to find a bathing suit - even though I know I won't be able to go swimming I want one for getting some sun on deck!

This coming week I have my next OB appointment and pre-op appointment. No ultrasound this time but thats ok - the following week I have my sequential screening (history of spina bifida in my family recently) and it involves a very detailed ultrasound to check for trisomy disorders and SB. Then I have my cerclage on the 29th. I'm very happy I'm getting it as early as possible. I can't find the exact studies but I've heard from other IC patients that getting your preventive cerclage earlier means your cervix is even better protected - 12 weeks is the minimum many will get it at and I'm getting it at 12 weeks exactly. I just pray everything goes well!


WeeOnesMommy said...

try mother hood for a bathing suite, they have some cute ones.. and WHY? can't you go swimming..

As for the cerclage.. Good luck, I still remember mine... UGH!! but well worth it..

Make sure if you need pain meds you get them and take it easy.. The fisrt 48 hrs for me was terrible but after that all was back to normal..