Friday, June 6, 2008

26 Weeks!

It's been a milestone week!

I'm now under 100 days and I have had more 17P shots than I have left (10 shots so far, only 9 left now). Things are going really well (knock on wood). I haven't had ANY contractions in over a week and although my hips still ache all the time, I can deal with that if I'm not having contractions. Maybe we've 'turned a corner' and things will be nice and quiet from now on?

I have my 1-hour glucose test next Friday. I failed this by 5 points in my first pregnancy and was scheduled for my 3-hour the day Arianna was born. It was a big source of stress for me and I really want to avoid that this time so I'm going to be really diligent about watching what I eat next week so I don't consume too many carbs or whatever and hope for the best! My OB is concerned that I'll fail it again - I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead already so she wouldn't be surprised if I had gestational diabetes. I sure hope I don't though - I don't want the added stress!

It's been weird the last 2 weeks for me. I have no appetite - I haven't been hungry and nothing sounds good. I don't know if I've got a cold or not but my asthma has been pretty out of control - which is very rare for me. I had alot of trouble with my asthma early in my first pregnancy but it was gone by the second trimester. This time it didn't peak until the end of the second trimester! Due to being pregnant and due to my heart condition I'm very limited in what I can take and that's scary to me. I really hope doubling up on my steroids will help soon because being pregnant makes you out of breathe anyway!

I'm going to do something I said I would never do this weekend - I'm putting on a bathing suit and going to a public beach! Put out the beached whale signs! I have no clue how I'm going to shave my legs and bikini area, I can barely see my feet! But it's going to be 95 degrees this weekend and my husband is in NJ for a 'guys weekend' and I'm sure not going to be chasing after a toddler when its THAT hot outside all by myself- I've recruited my mom and hope the two of us can wrangle a two year old who loves the water!