Friday, July 11, 2008

31 weeks

Well, here I am at 31 weeks - this is great!

Good news: Had another negative FFN this week and my 5th to last 17P shot - I'm positive I'll see 33 weeks now - wow! My cervix is still funneled, still 2.5 and still finger tip dilated, but no change so that's good.

Bad news: My asthma is OUT OF CONTROL. The last time my asthma was this bad I was hospitalized for 3 days.

I finally saw OB medicine yesterday which was none too soon. She is very concerned about my horrible peak flow readings (as am I) and doubly concerned that my breathing gets even worse when I'm laying down (and particularly on my right side). I have to spend the majority of my day laying down so this is a real problem. When doing a quick exam she heard some extra heart sounds that may or may not be related to where I am in my pregnancy (blood volume is at its highest right now), so she ordered an echo cardiogram for next Friday to check for pregnancy associated cardiomyopathy.


I'm on 2 weeks of prednisone and albuterol via nebulizer around the clock (despite my not to be taking it with my Long QT Syndrome) until things get better but I'm not very hopeful. I haven't slept well in 3 days now because I'm gasping and coughing. This is terrifying. I never expected it to get this bad. She's trying to get some answers from my cardiologist regarding which steroidal inhaler I can use because the pulmicort I've been on for a 12 years isn't even touching it now. The problem is that most of the steroidals that I should be using have a component to them that is bad for folks with Long QT Syndrome.

As she put it, I have the ultimate protection, my defibrillator so I need to get my breathing under control and if that means using stuff that is contra-indicated, then so be it. I'm reasonably well protected and its more important for me and baby that I nip this in the bud.

She'll check back in on me on Monday to see if the prednisone is helping - if not I'll be looking at some hospital time and IV steroids. G R E A T!

This is the pits!

But on the bright side, pregnancy is going well so I'll look at the positives for now...


Jessica said...

Congrats on 31 weeks Jen!! I am happy for you and rooting for several more weeks:) Hang in there!!!