Friday, January 11, 2008

Week 5

Today marks the start of week 5... and I guess that means I have to start complaining about all my new pregnancy quirks huh? :-)

The day I found out I was pregnant with Arianna started out strange. At 3 o'clock in the morning I woke up with my first asthma attack in years. I remember debating on going to the ER or not as I didn't have a nebulizer anymore. Instead I grabbed a pillow and went to the living room to sleep in the recliner. I slept like crap. That morning, in my sleep deprived haze, I forgot to pack a lunch on my way to work, so I was very hungry throughout the day. My asthma got significantly better as the day went on and I decided to keep my weekly appointment with my personal trainer.

Andrew worked me hard - we were doing upper back and arms that day and toward the end of my 5 set/15 lbs/30 rep arm curls I got dizzy... really dizzy, but I managed to stay standing and finish. I was pretty sure it was due to me not eating that day.

I was totally exhausted when we finished, I got my money's worth! But I knew I wouldn't be up to cooking dinner so I decided to go next door and get us dinners from Boston Market.

While waiting in line I got super dizzy and before I knew it I had passed out - cold. On the floor. The staff was generous, helped me up. Got me water and offered to call an ambulance. I turned down that offer but sat in one of the booths for a few minutes before driving home with, my free, dinner.

I pulled into the driveway the same time my husband was arriving home. He reminded me he was meeting friends for dinner, but in true 'guy fashion' offered to still eat the dinner I got him. I told him about my dizzy spell and that I was just going to lie down for the evening.

We ate dinner. He left. I settled into the bed with my laptop and started surfing the net looking up reasons to be dizzy, mostly for my own amusement. The first thing that came up was being pregnant. I knew my period was late but I was used to erratic periods and was on the birth control patch. In fact I had taken a test 2 days prior and it was negative. But I still had one left in the pack and decided to take it.

Sure enough it came up pregnant.

I freaked. No way could I be pregnant... no freakin' way. I tried calling Shawn, he didn't answer. I called my Mom and cried to her. I was so upset. My dad was there and had been drinking. He flipped out. He kept saying 'you can come home' blah blah blah (not sure where that train of thought came from, we'd been married for 3 years) and eventually over the course of the evening would say something really stupid that caused such a big rift he wouldn't see his granddaughter until she was 6 months old. Finally got a hold of Shawn and told him he needed to come home right now.

I was shaking and crying when he came home and showed him the test. He was so happy (huh?) and excited. He immediately called his family. They were happy - what a contrast to my family. I was devastated - I was going to CA in 2 weeks to participate in a world record skydiving jump... and now I couldn't. I was so sad.

Fast forward 2 years 4 months. Pregnancy #2.

We're actually trying to get pregnant and succeed! I'm happy, he's happy, his family is happy. Mine doesn't know and won't for some time. (oh but I did tell my brother and his girlfriend who I know will keep it quiet)

No major asthma attack. But dizzy? Oh ya...

All. The. Time.

I feel like I'm in a fog, like I don't have control over my body - my hands are shaking alot and I feel like I could fall over even when I'm sitting. I'm not overly concerned but don't know if I should be.

Maybe that means this one is a boy? ;-)


Jenny said...

Congradulations on being pregnant! I too am 5 weeks pregnant. I am assuming your daughter was a preemie. Our fist daughter was full term, we lost our second at 17 1/2 weeks, and our third was a 30 week preemie. You would never know it now though. She is a very healthy 11 month old. I get to see my doctor next Monday. I am looking forward to making a plan with her to try to make it to 37 weeks. Best wishes to you and your little one.

Jennifer said...

Hey Jenny!

Thanks for the comment! Congratulations to you too! My first/only was born at 28 weeks and we're hoping/praying to make it full term this time - I'll hope for the same for you!!

I hope you find the information on my blog helpful