Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 4

The difference between Daria and her sister is uncanny - you can't even say they're related, they look so differently!


WeeOnesMommy said...

Jen she is just BEAUTIFUL.. and I love the cheeks too..


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Daria on the scale. Oh, those full cheeks and hammy thighs! How great is that too see?!!
She's beautiful!
Congratulations Mommy, Daddy & big sister :)

I'm thrilled for you.

Best Wishes!
Ann & Chase

Cristi said...

She is completely precious.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! Where did the cheeks come from? Looks like your hair. Can't wait to see her!

Jessi said...

She's beautiful - congratulations! I am so happy for you!

liz.mccarthy said...

congrats on the birth of daria! what a beauty!