Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How exciting!

Well, today has been an eventful day!

I had a non-stress test (kid was amazing - never seen my tummy move so much when s/he kicks) and my u/s was great - my AFI went down 10 points! WOo HoO!

Baby is measuring in at full term - 37w5d and weighs 6 lbs. 10 oz. I can't believe it! Wow!

Best news of all - we scheduled my cerclage removal. Because I'm already so thinned out I bet the kid is coming when the cerclage is out! Of course, I could go weeks without it too... that would stink!

So next Friday at 9 AM I'll be at the hospital having it removed... and maybe, just maybe, we'll have our new little one too! I can only hope that being 36 weeks and a few days is enough time to avoid the NICU and allow him/her to come home with us - how amazing would that be? A take home kid - WOW!